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Skinny Brows: Are narrow eyebrows back? And how can you copy the trend?

After years of full, natural brows being the trend, you can now see narrow eyebrows again on the catwalks, in photo shoots and on TikTok. We have the best tips on how to style them with tweezers.
Skinny Brows: Are narrow eyebrows back? And how can you copy the trend?

Twenty or thirty years ago, we probably all plucked our brows with fervour until at some point only a narrow strip was left. The success of eyebrow serums was based on the fact that the hairs often didn't grow back properly, leaving gaps in the brows. We only noticed this when the trend changed from pencil-thin and perfectly styled to bushy and natural. After that, brows were only groomed, brushed and gently shaped for years to achieve the most lush look possible. This lasted until narrow brows were recently rediscovered by Gen Z on TikTok.

However, before you bravely reach for the tweezers, there are a few tips to consider. Think carefully about how you want to look with your new eyebrows, rather than plucking unplanned. It's a good idea to draw on the new shape beforehand and check exactly what the look will be like in the mirror. Pluck slowly and step back from the mirror to check the result from a distance. Also, don't use a magnifying mirror, because it tempts you to pluck too much. It is also important to reduce the width of the brow only from below, as this opens up the look.